Where to Install a Diffuser Aeration System (Bottom Diffusion) October 2022When and Where to Use a Diffused Aerator Maybe it’s a pond for your backyard, and maybe you have excess nutrients in a wastewater lagoon or small lake or drainage...
Can You Combine Bottom and Surface Aeration? July 2022For those of you who have a deep pond, seven feet or deeper on average, you need to use bottom aeration in order to provide a healthy pond ecosystem where...
Do I Need a Fountain or an Aerator? July 2022Fountain or Aerator or Both? Fountains do certainly aerate, but they aerate less than a plain old simple aerator. So what is best for you is always a judgment call....
How to Choose a Pond Aeration Kit April 2022Don’t let the word “kit” throw you off. Pond aeration systems, whether they be fountains or aerators are typically sold in kits, usually with minimal assembly. Factories have already tried...
Finding the Best Aeration System for Your Pond April 2022Article covers aeration for large ponds and small, backyard koi ponds.
What Kind of Aeration Is Best for my Pond? February 2022What Kind of Aeration is Best for My Pond? Aeration Reduces Stratification (Layering) of Ponds Pond aeration is needed for fish health. One of the worst things that can...